Sunday, November 28, 2010

The War On Terror

The war on terror has been a very expensive war that has nothing to do with us. That war should be fought by those countries not us it is simple as that. I find no reason for us to be invading a country to impose "Democracy" something that those people obviously dont want. I strongly believe that we should leave and instead focus on other matters. For example the war that is a lot closer to us and is affecting us, The Mexican Drug War. This war should be incredibly way more important than any other war going on because this is affecting us directly. Our troops should be helping Mexico with this fight its more important to keep our borders safe than to keep terrorists blowing themselves up in another continent.

We have terrorists on our borders they kill and kidnap as they please because the local Mexican police has become overwhelmingly corrupt. These drug cartels have very heavy artillery that they arent afraid to use against the Mexican military. The take over ranches and houses by force and kill anyone who oppose them. They smuggle drugs into the United States by the tons and yet we pay little attention to this war. We simply need to focus our military actions in places that actually matter. The War On Terror should be ended and the Drug War should be our focus now.

1 comment:

  1. The Mexican Drug War!!
    The Mexican Drug War is an armed conflict taking place among rival drug cartels who fight for regional control, and between the drug cartels and the Mexican government, which seeks to reduce drug trafficking. Mexican drug cartels now dominate the wholesale illicit drug market in the United States.
    The United States department estimate that 90% of cocaine entering the United States transits through Mexico with. The wholesale of illicit drug sale earnings estimates range from $13.6 to $48.4 billion annually. Mexican drug traffickers increasingly smuggle money back into Mexico in cars and trucks likely due to the effectiveness of United States efforts at motoring electronic money transfers.
    I agree with Ricardo. His view on the Mexican Drug War is absolutely correct because the war on terror is not helping us in any way shape or form. I believe that the War On Terror is completely pointless when there is a bigger issue in the United States dealing with drugs and murders.
