Monday, November 22, 2010

Trust Reason, Not Emotion, on the DREAM Act

The DREAM Act is a piece of legislation that has many undocumented kids and young adults hopeful of becoming a citizen of this great country. Most of these kids have lived here all of their lives and don't know any other country than this one. I know cases in which the child was born out of the country brought to this country illegally and their parents speak another language but the child only speaks English. This is seen everyday these kids have no fault in being undocumented if anyone should be punished it should be the parents. In Heather Mac Donald's side she believes the legislation is not a very good idea and should  be postponed until the border is most definitely secure.

As one of those beneficiaries of the legislation of course I believe it is a good idea but in need of some revision. I completely agree that the legislation might benefit some criminals, and strongly support a way in which they should not benefit from the act. Now to the rest of the kids it should be granted if and only if they continue their education to the point in which they have a degree. Only then I believe they should have granted the honor of being a United States citizen. I disagree that until the border is secure they should take care of this, with the ongoing drug war in Mexico I don't think it will be safe for a good while.

As a person who will benefit from it I don't ask for any sympathy from our lovely lawmakers I only ask for an opportunity to live the so called "American Dream" and let me integrate into this society in which I have grown into. I don't know anything else other than this country and if I am to be sent back to my home country I will have no life unfortunately because I am American, with American habits and point of views. I have lived here all my life and have grown to like it very much. Unfortunately because I am undocumented I am restrained from getting a job and be able to pay for my own tuition something that really frustrates me a lot because my parents break their back I have watched them work very hard and I feel like its up to me now to guide myself to a better living through education something my parents couldn't get.

In conclusion I feel like Ms. Heather should be a bit more open minded in this issue. She believes that way because she has probably never talked to or read about some of these kids. These kids aren't trying to break the law they are simply trying to further their education, blocking these kids from exploring their creativity and abilities as people is wrong if anything those people who are keeping these kids from their education should be the criminals not them.

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