Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A united conservative movement

      The recent elections have heavily favored the Republicans, this has sparked the question that exactly how is the president going to cope with a majority in the House that honestly hates him as harsh as it may sound it is true. Many conservatives feel its the presidents job now to work with them to compromise in many issues although they have very different point of views. Conservatives have made it hard for the president to compromise at all a lot of what he has done has been to keep the conservatives happy.

      The following article , Politico, makes the argument that the American people have spoken loudly against the "Big Government". Mr. Meese fails to tell the people that the young voter turn out in this election fell 60%. The young people who will shape our country in the future did not turn out to vote this year, what does that say? Simply that older people turned out to vote this time along, most in which are conservatives. This is not Americans speaking its just that the older generation were not happy the way the 2008 election turned out and came out this time along in big numbers to make a difference It is be absurd to say that Americans spoke.

      Now have to say the conservatives did their job in getting their representatives in Congress and overwhelmingly taking over the House. I believe that if the conservatives keep this kind of voter turn out for them then they will successfully get a Republican president in office. It is very hard to see that happening because most young people only vote when the re's a presidential election, and by the way they voted in 2008 they turned out big numbers which most likely repeat if Obama decides to run again. I conclude with the thought of how will the political map will look after the 2012 election? Yes it is a couple of years from now but anything can happen in that time, but it just makes me think what if?

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