Friday, December 10, 2010

The War On Terror Part 2

The fact is the Drug cartels have become to dominant in Mexico. The U.S. has options to help. The first is by helping the Mexican with military forces for this to happen the United States would definitely move out of the middle east as soon as possible. Personally I see this very hard to happen any time soon but there's other options. Another somewhat good option would be to join forces with the F.B.I and C.I.A so they could help the Mexican government can be more efficient in taking down the cartels through the use of technology. The cartels use the internet and radios to communicate I am sure they can find a way to pin point them in the internet and the radios are easy to pick up.

The problem is that the U.S. is really busy in the middle east and here at home with the whole economic depression that they don't put the necessary attention to this problem that is affecting Mexico and the U.S. also. If the U.S. would put attention it has in the middle east in Mexico the Mexican government would be a lot better off than the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is just hard to see why the United States would not help Mexico to fight the drug cartels. It makes you think why be in another country that obviously does not like democracy but not help your southern neighbor who is having a war against drugs and the U.S. being the main problem because they smuggle the drugs into the United States. The Mexican government are in need of help severely and the United States needs to be part of the help.

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